Friday, December 12, 2014

Shane face

This is a photograph by Andrew Suryono called "Orangutan in the Rain" and the orangutan is holding a banana leaf to keep dry from the rainfall. I am drawn to the expression on the orangutan's face because it reminds me of a face my brother makes quite often.  (Isn't this a silly reason to like a photo?) Instead of looking at photos of my brother to be reminded of my brother, I am looking at a picture of an orangutan.  In any case, were my brother to have this expression, I'd probably be passing by him as he is staring at something, and say "whatcha thinkin' Shaney-ios?" and he'd respond with a grunt or maybe if I'm lucky, a cheerful goofy noise.   Maybe it is because Shane never really gave me a straight answer that I can remember this face of his.  

Sunday, December 7, 2014


It's okay to be one...I think...(tell myself to believe)