Friday, May 20, 2022

Signs and symbols

 Told by elders that we were brother and sister. Fireworks shot in the sky during a smoke (with the wastebins) on the balcony at an LP bar. It could have been romantic.  Fusion Japanese taco restaurants that actually just had takoyaki. Walking from palm tree to palm tree because of the scorching sun.  Walking from restaurant to restaurant because each one was closed.  Tapping a tuning fork to the softest part of one's skin to no effect. Fish that tastes like funky cheese. Almost losing my keyboard and going over the possibility that I would have to buy new rosin, a new reverb pedal, and ultimately a new keyboard: I was ready for the loss that never happened. All the while, he hums Chopin's second nocturne and wishes for the day that he could see his wizened face in the mirror. The details. Do these moments amount to anything? I just want to remember.